Digital and Bespoke.
No Longer an Oxymoron.

Contentwise LifeStyle helps fashion brands and online retailers deliver uniquely tailored digital experiences through bespoke personalization and merchandising automation.

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Customer Understanding

Tailor the shopping experience to each customer’s taste and preferences.

ContentWise captures shopping data, customer journey data and contextual data and preferences to create a personal taste profile of each customer and adapt merchandising and offers.

Customer Understanding | Contentwise

Concierge-Like Personalization

Provide a personal touch to draw customers in to shop and spend more.

UX Engine changes every element of the page and the product mix based on individual tastes and personal style. ContentWise creates millions of unique style profiles to create individualized looks, bundles and promotions.

Concierge Like Personalization | Contentwise

Low-Friction Experience

Simplify the online experience for faster selection and conversion.

ContentWise predicts a customer’s likely journey and re-organizes browsing to create the most direct path to what each particular customer is looking for. Our semantic technology understands product attributes to places the right items on the customer’s path.

Low Friction Experience | Contentwise

Higher Loyalty & Frequency

Enable use cases that increase repeat business, basket size and return visits.

ContentWise natively supports a number of shopping and campaign use cases that increase customer loyalty and encourage repeat business, as “combine wardrobe”, “complete the look”, “love this brand” and “new items you may like”.

Higher Loyalty & Frequency | Contentwise

“SK Broadband ultimately wants to deliver 4.6 million different home pages to each of our 4.6 million customers of B tv. ContentWise is essential to the success of our ‘Customer Value Innovation’ strategic initiative.”

Chang Wan You - VP Head of Media Business, SK Broadband
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ContentWise Reference Sk Broadband

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OTT Question Time Live 2025

The British Museum - January 28-29, 2025

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